Our Story

How we started

Over a decade ago my best friend and her teenage daughter were facing tremendous difficulties. I had this revelation that if they would just put all differences aside and talk they would remember how much they loved each other. As my Behavioral Health Nurse career progressed I came to realize that almost every problem could be boiled down to lack of communication. No matter who I was in front of, regardless of age, sex, color, or vocation, I could actually pinpoint the very moments where communication caused a stumble and sometimes a great fall. My passion for helping others created a style within me at my job for listening and compassionately advising.

When my daughter-in-law and I began using Cup of Time, she said; "I know you are really listening when we do this." My son and I have had some of our best moments during Cup of Time. My husband and I have our Cup of Time almost every morning. It keeps us connected through the fluidity of life. When my sisters and I set time to talk that old childhood bond of love shines through. It is important to remember, communication takes two or more people. Communication takes time. Unlike Jesus, we cannot know the thoughts of anyone's heart (Matthew 9:4, Luke 5:22). We are not omnipresent as He, our God, is.
We encourage you to be a part of this movement.  We encourage you to show your loved ones they mean more to you than any one thing on this earth through Cup Of Time because TIME is LOVE.  Verbal communication is the key to unmeasurable love, peace and joy.

Lisa Ellen & Jeremiah